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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Black Tuesday, why YOU should care

Today marks a turning point for South Africa. Depending on what happens today at 14:00, we will either be able to rejoice in the level of Democracy in our country or it will be the beginning of the end...

If the majority of parliament members choose to vote in favour of the protection of information bill today, THEY win. Corrupt members of our government will be able to do as they please, when they please, and as much as they please. If the secrecy bill is implemented, truth, justice and democracy loose. We, the public of South Africa, loose.

Its not just some silly bill, dealing with some silly political issue. It's our future. Yes, as dedicated journalist I, and many I know, will probably be in jail in five years time if the bill succeeds, but that's not the reason you should care.

The reason you should care is because too many people dedicated their lives to fight for the very cause that after today might be lost. You should care because this is OUR country. WE are the leaders of tomorrow and its up to us to ensure that history doesn't repeat itself and leave us helpless at the hands of the same disaster, only lead by a different government.

In the end, we are all affected.