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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Do's and Don'ts when going through a Break-up

Going through a break-up is never easy.

Having recently been through the third "serious" break-up in my 24 years of existence, I now consider myself a pro in break-ups and have thought to share my knowledge and experience with the off chance that other tortured souls may benefit from it and my misery would not be completely meaningless.
I have there for decided to compile a list of do's and dont's when suffering from the aftermath of a break-up.

Avoid any sharp and dangerous objects. This includes bread knives, machine guns and Ratax (better make sure you lock the medicine cabinet altogether, just for in case.) Also preferably avoid driving or crossing the road, as the prospect of walking or driving into an oncoming car may actually seem quite inviting.

Don't listen to any CD's or Radio stations, except maybe talk Radio702, as every single song will remind you in some way of your ex and the lost relationship. There is also the possibility of you starting to cry while listening to music whilst driving, which will cause your vision to blur and lead to an accident (which once again, we would like to avoid).

Try Not to think, whether it's about the good times or the bad. Chances are it will only worsen things and you will become obsessed with trying to figure out what went wrong. Whatever happened, it's water under the bridge and worrying about it will only make you old. There's no use crying over spilled milk.

Getting intoxicated beyond the expansion of your brain is Not Necessarily the best idea. If you Do decide to take this route however, do it responsibly (a.k.a no drinking and driving). And whatever you do, do Not drunk dial your ex.

Do concentrate on the task at hand. You will find it quite uplifting after accomplishing simple tasks, like locating the damn brush playing hide and seek somewhere under the tons of crap on your dressing table, or making breakfast without burning the toast.
Do eat a lot of chocolate and ice cream without feeling guilty, you'd be surprised at how many calories you burn by crying.

Crying is another luxury you CAN afford yourself, as long as you don't start crying hysterically when setting up a new bank account and the clerk asks you if you are single.
Above all, remember that you are Not Alone. At this very moment thousands of souls are going through the same heartbreaking sadness as you are. And there is always some way in which it could have been worse (*touch wood)

List of movies to whach after a break-up:    

2. 300 (Lots of blood and gore is good in the first few days)
3. House of wax (Purely because Paris Hilton gets a spear through her head)
4. Jennifer's Body (Not a big fan of Megan Fox but the way in which she kills off all the guys is schweeeeet)
5.  Monster (Just to remind you that that's what you'll look like if you take the whole comfort-food-thing too far.)
 7. Dispicable Me (It has absolutely nothing to do with break-ups, but its awesome!!)

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