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Friday, July 29, 2011

Date night!

So I'm a single girl in Cape Town, and we single girls do what we need to do.

It just so happens that what I needed to do last night, was go on a date, with what I presumed was a "Hippy", that I had met at a short film screening on Theusday.

I was already starting to feel nervous during the day - I mean who likes spending awkward silences with a total stranger you just met the other day and are now supposed to spend and entire evening with! (Who invented dates anyway!). And the fact that the taxi driver tried to feel me up during the ride home after work didn't help either!

The feeling of dread only increased after a cold bath - because I had forgotten to switch the geyser on before I went to work. I decided to pop in at the chemist before I leave for my date with "The Hippy" to buy some chocolate (just for the nerves). By the time I left I was feeling nauseous with stress - the nauseousness having nothing to do with the entire Lint slab I had just gulped down off coarse!   

After driving past the art gallery (where we were to see an art exhibition) 3 times, and then driving down a dodgy ally, I parked my car and met "The Hippy" in front of the gallery.

Wow, hippies do clean up well! Maybe this won't be so bad! I caught myself thinking. After a few glasses of wine and meeting his friends - who all seemed completely normal- we headed to Long Street for something to eat.

During a devine dinner at Mr Pickwicks - really the most amazing restaurant in all of Long Street - we discussed the three "R's" (religion, racism and ... rugby) and I found that we really have nothing in common.

I also found out that hippies don't pay for their date's meals and certainly don't walk them to their cars (which is parked in another extremely dodgy alley) after the date.

And the asshole still tried to kiss me good bey!!

Glad it was all over I managed to get to my car in one piece. With a relieved sigh I put my car into reverse, payed the car guard (who first wanted me to help him figure out how much an American quarter was worth) and off I went, to my nice clean flat with a single bed for a single gall :-)


  1. Wow... talking to a hippie about rugby... Will definitely be putting that on my Bucket List :)

  2. Ya hu invented dates??? I'm sure if u and I had to create the world...confusion, sadness, being 2 c-rus, uncaring & all the things which make the world seem like a vile place wont be part of our fact people were gonna be persecuted 4 not having fun and not smiling 2 the next person...LOL
